New Years revolutions

I wonder each year my revolutions never come true or actually happen.Do you want to know why alright here it’s because I fail them =0 holly peanut butter stuff happens your revolutions can fall out of your hands and die off slowly but surely.My burn off because they sometimes silly like my last year one *Can I visit my moms grave nope never happened sad why me,just because I’m always short doesn’t mean anything people out their*.My sister revolution was to have new toys it happened.My aunts,grandma said revolution was for less mess from sister.I have one revolution for this year for my sister to let the babies sleep and not wake them up don’t do things without asking and  stop interrupting me when my playing or doing some I need to constraint.Man my sister is annoying all my family members agree especially my aunt,think I’m lieing ask me I’ll always confirm it.Baby cousin’s birthday on New Year’s Eve she is 2 bet you her revolution is that my dad won’t shove her head into the this year hehe dad better not.Its easy to put the one of two cousins that live with me  the one that 2 years all I need to do is wait till she’s tired and grab a blanket or her favorite blanket and I wrap in it she puts her fingers in her mouth and I lay down next to her 5min later she is past out the younger is more of a pain it’s hard.

Well theirs my New Years revolution hope you enjoyed read and I will catch you all in my next blog.


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